Friday, January 24, 2014

Get Moving Get Healthy NJ Workforce is now a full year program!

I am very pleased to announce that our online program is now available for 52 weeks! Employers can sign up for the program and we will deliver a wellness focused newsletter to their employees each week. The wellness topics are varied to include information about stress, nutrition, physical activity, sleep, brain health, and lots of other topics. Employees love the messages and the Healthy on the Job Workplace Wellness Newsletter too. The newsletter is lively and informative, even a healthy family-friendly recipe is included.

Contact me to sign up for this free evidence-based informational series!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Water, water everywhere!

In recent conversations with employees I am hearing that more of them are drinking water in place of sugar-sweetened beverages while on the job. This is excellent news! It tells me that people are interested in improving their health and making behavior change. If you haven't made the switch yet consider this:
  • one 10 oz. can of soda contains about 10 teaspoons/packets of sugar
  • one 20 oz. bottle of soda contains about 16+ teaspoons/packets of sugar 
Would you add that much sugar to your cup of coffee or tea????

Make water your beverage of choice while on the job!