The past week has been a frustrating one. My email was not working and I felt the impact of being 'out of touch'. At times I would see a few messages pop up, then they would quickly disappear. Other times the spinning gear signal would spin forever without stopping. After hours working with Apple experts at the store and Apple experts online my stress level was growing. After even more hours and days working on the issue with our university tech staff, my stress level was ready to top out. Unfortunately our tech staff is not familiar with Apple computers!
Isn't it amazing how difficult it is when we are unable to use our technology? It feels as though you are totally cut off from the world and you are unable to do your work because email is such an important part of who we are today. The frustrations are intense, which makes me feel like we are addicted to our technology! I am sure at some level we are addicted at the ability to retrieve information and correspond with family, friends, and colleagues. If I missed your email in the past week, I apologize!